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Operations Manager

Libby Hoskins

I went to the University of Northern Colorado where I earned a bachelor’s degree in communications and played on the women’s golf team. I have 9 years of experience in human resources and talent acquisition.

At The Lawt, I lead our HR department and heavily support operations, sourcing and staff recruiting. I love building relationships with candidates and learning from and about them. My husband and I live in Parker, Colorado and we have two fur babies that we adore, Wilbur and Foxy Cleopatra.

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“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”


John Wooden, American basketball coach

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10 Reasons Partners Lateral

After a decade of recruiting and supporting attorneys, I’ve compiled the most common reasons partners lateral their practices.

5 Benefits to Prioritizing Partnerships with Women- and Minority-Owned Businesses

The Lawt is a certified Women-Owned Business by the WBENC, but our certification is often overlooked and undervalued. Despite their professed importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion, law firms’ commitment to these values is questionable if their business decisions are inconsistent with that commitment. If dubious credibility isn’t motivating, law firms should consider these five compelling benefits to prioritizing partnerships with certified women- and minority-owned organizations: